Well, here I am sitting in a motel room starting my first blog. I hadn't planned on blogging--I just slipped and fell into it. I just wanted to make a comment on my wife's blog and I had to register. The next thing I knew I had my own blog and now I feel this responsibility to put something on it. WOW, life can have some unexpected turns.
We are on our way to Seattle and for the first time in my life I think I'm looking forward to getting back home. We have just moved to Glendale, AZ and I LOVE it. I am looking forward to getting settled in, finding a job, a house and making some friends. The church we are going to has some great people. I think each person is like a present God gives us. As we begin to get to know them--not their mask, but their real self--it is like unwrapping the present and getting to see what God has placed there.
Got to go. Need to try to make a phone connection and talk where I can get some instant responses. If you are reading this I just want to say thanks--and, man how did you find me with all the other millions of blogs in the cyber world? I hope you have a great day--and a great life which is much harder to do these days.